Sunday, September 05, 2010
The foursone were kitchen crew at the W. C. A. September blueberry pancake breakfast on Labor day weekend: Myrtle Principatio and her sister Pearl, Maso Martin and Kathy Snowden. Wendell Snowden did the welcome thing, Chris Williams exchanged our dollars for breakfast tickets.
Turnout was very good, so much so that Kathy went to the freezer to replenish sausages. Allene Touchton and Ruth Leister are two regulars returning. Ruth says one pancake fills her 85 lb body up. "I dont eat much but we really miss coming when we cant make it". She is the driver, @ 90 years. and not about to stop counting years or driving either!. Allene, in the top half of her 80's, rejoices to be back in her own home in McAlpin after a sick spell which required her to make home with one of her children temporarily. Allene just finished still another quilt "for my newest great grandbaby".