Monday, January 11, 2010
Webdell Snowden, Wayne Brooks, WVFD Chief Tom Maynard, Charles Osgood, Marlin Knigtht, Ron Torres and Austin volunteered on a very cold Monday. Some started at 8 A.M. and some kept at it til 5 PM. Hank said it was 15 degrees at his temporary camper home. 5 gallons of fuel burned up completely during the night of running a borrowed generator. in one photo here Hank introduces himself to Ron Torres and Marlin Knight.
The man using the axe in the video is Wendell Snowden, WCA president. He organized us into putting action behind sentiment. Wendell reports that the FishFryFirday take was good , over 200 dinners sold plus $ donations and cakes&cookies sales. It was presented to Hank the same night and was a generous boost. The funds gift was wrapped in love, hope and encouragement.
The man using the axe in the video is Wendell Snowden, WCA president. He organized us into putting action behind sentiment. Wendell reports that the FishFryFirday take was good , over 200 dinners sold plus $ donations and cakes&cookies sales. It was presented to Hank the same night and was a generous boost. The funds gift was wrapped in love, hope and encouragement.