Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Dale and Tammy Barrett were going home after Wednesday night service @ Wellborn Baptist. They were among the first to sound an alarm when they saw fire in Hank Whisnants place of business on CR 137 between the railroad and C-10A. The 911 call was Neighborhood Watching the way it ought to be.
Bonnie and George Scott are the new owners of the building next door to Hank'Cypress Furniture manufacturing business .
Scottie's Country Depot is at the northwest corner at the Wellborn blinker light.
George is the chairman of the Methodist Administrative Council whose fellowship supper and business meeting was in progress when the fire trucks with flashing lights alarmed everybody.
George left the fellowship hall to go investigate. Bonnie opted to stay @ the fellowship hall and to BELIEVE and PRAY. She was especially concerned about Hanks German Shepherd dog who has been such a comfort, making her feel safe.
Lights went out all over my hometown and out in the suburbs too.
All was total darkness. Pastor Jim prayed that fear would be dispelled from amongst us, that no one would be hurt. All of it was relinquished to our Lord whom we do trust!
Flashlights appeared and decorative candles became useful ones. We did the rest of our Methodist business meeting by candle light and flashlight.
Those of us who live south of US90 were detoured. Lights were out at home until about 9 PM.
The photo was taken at the scene by the Suwannee Democrat
Devon, an across the street neighbor of Hank's, was responsible for the German shepherd dog being unharmed.