Saturday, May 16, 2009
Jane Campbell and Pat Bezaire talk to our Sheriff, Tony Cameron, at the Wellborn WhistleStop on Thursday May 14.
Barbara and Neil Rosdail and our County Commissioner, Billy Maxwell, discuss county roads with County Commissioner, Billy Maxwell. Billy came prepared with some statistics: It cost $185000 per mile to transform one mile of dirt road to paved road.
During this dry spell Billy has been inundated with questions about the dusty and rippled roads.
Both Tony and Billy came with a short overview of work and accomplishments in their own fields of expertise.
Neil Rosdail had some questions which brought out good information about the drug problem faced in Wellbortn and Suwannee County: illegal trafficking and prescription abuse .
Betty Terry is Ruth Ford's friend visiting form Blairsville Ga. who enjoyed a glimpse of local goings on afforded by the mini town meeting at the Whistle Stop. Wellborn Neighborhood Watch plans to offer the opportunity on a regular basis and thanked these two servants of the people for coming to visit their constituency in our hometown.