Friday, May 29, 2009


WENDELL SNOWDEN was interviewed by a team of professionals working for NBC. They spent 7 hours in his Wellborn home exploring Wendell's car expertise. They had many questions about how he felt about General Motors situation at this point in time.

The interview was taped


Since Wendell's life is 99% focused on the Wellborn Blueberry Festival these days, he almost begrudged playing celebrity for a TV appearance, but when interview with pictures was accomplished and he and Kathie plus the writer, the lights guys, cameramen etc, went to dinner at the Brown Lantern, everyone decided it was a good experience.

Wendell smiled and added I mentioned blueberries every chance i got! :-) . I told them how I needed to be out picking blueberries for THE BLUEBERRY FESTIVAL ON JUNE 5&6.

It starts at 9 AM on Friday and goes to 9 PM that day with events and vendors open all day long. Saturday, it starts with Blueberry Pancakes @ 7 AM to 10AM followed by the parade, more events, prizes, food and craft vendors.

Dont miss WENDELL on TV MONDAY EVENING and look for him again June 5 & 6 on Andrews Square


Russell Smith, of Wellborn Neighborhood Watch, Barry Baker, Suwannee County's Clerk of the Court, and County Commissioner Billy Maxwell brought to the Wellborn Neighborhood May Meeting a glimpse enabling some understanding of our county government fiscal responsibility and accountability.
The final Thursday of each month those interested in safety and well being in our Wellborn neighborhoods meet at the Blake Lowe Building next to the Wellborn Community Park. Jane Campbell, program chair, believes we need to grow in understanding the work of public servants we voted into office and what their work has to do with our own neighborhood safety and well being.
For May Meeting it was Barry Baker's turn to tell about his new job, Suwannee County Clerk of the Court.
Pat Bezaire asked the question we all wanted to ask. "What does the Clerk of the Court do?" The first thing Barry Baker did was to credit the staff he inherited as being The Best!!
Clerk of the Court job is all about monies. Taxes and fees we citizens pay must be processed. Income, outflow and budgets are involved. State legislated laws to be implemented in the Clerk of the Court office June 1, will have major increases in fees demanded for most court services., like death certificates, probate of a will, divorce, child support, small claims, property disagreements, traffic violation,etc.
The required budgetary cutbacks due to the economic slump now have been accomplished in the clerks office with as little pain as was possible. In another economy perhaps our Clerk would have had handouts for everyone. Instead he brought only a few copies which did add to our understanding.

An additional opportunity to meet and greet public servants ,Commissioner Billy Maxwell and Sheriff Tony Cameron, is offered by WNW on June 11 at 10 AM @ the Wellborn Whistlestop deli and cafe . This is a repeat because it was successful last month.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


Wendell & Kathie Snowden's e-mail ..... I LOVED IT. ! ;-)

We are sending you a "scoop." The bottom photo atachment is the new permanent "Welcome to Wellborn" sign. It is a 20 X 30 heavy-gauge metal sign; there are four of them; and, they are going up maybe tomorrow - or at least before the Festival.

The other attached photo is the blueberry festival t-shirt which we just picked up a few minutes ago.

Nobody else has seen these. . .

There is a Blueberry Festival meeting tonight at 7pm at the Center, and until then you will be the only one other than family to see them.

We love you ----------- Wendell & Kathie

Saturday, May 16, 2009


Jane Campbell and Pat Bezaire talk to our Sheriff, Tony Cameron, at the Wellborn WhistleStop on Thursday May 14.
Barbara and Neil Rosdail and our County Commissioner, Billy Maxwell, discuss county roads with County Commissioner, Billy Maxwell. Billy came prepared with some statistics: It cost $185000 per mile to transform one mile of dirt road to paved road.
During this dry spell Billy has been inundated with questions about the dusty and rippled roads.
Both Tony and Billy came with a short overview of work and accomplishments in their own fields of expertise.
Neil Rosdail had some questions which brought out good information about the drug problem faced in Wellbortn and Suwannee County: illegal trafficking and prescription abuse .
Betty Terry is Ruth Ford's friend visiting form Blairsville Ga. who enjoyed a glimpse of local goings on afforded by the mini town meeting at the Whistle Stop. Wellborn Neighborhood Watch plans to offer the opportunity on a regular basis and thanked these two servants of the people for coming to visit their constituency in our hometown.

Friday, May 08, 2009

The Wellborn Neighborhood Watch would like to welcome our members, friends and neighbors of our community of Wellborn to :

“Meet and Greet” your Sheriff Tony Cameron and our County Commissioner Billy Maxwell at the “Whistle Stop Café “ for free coffee and sweets.

This will give us all a personal and face to face meeting with those who have such a great bearing on the running of our community. They will answer any question that you have pertaining to each of their jobs and we hope to have a good turn out from our community.

This will be held on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 10:30 A.M. at the “Whistle Stop Café “ in the middle of our town of Wellborn.
Our first meeting will be May 14th.

Please try to come and bring a friend or two or three!

Remember folks, this is free to all our community!

For more information call
Jane @ 208-8818

Monday, May 04, 2009


This good looker marked his 90th birthday on April 24. He is a regular at the Blueberry Pancake Breakfasts and is everybody's "Uncle Del" Higgins. He transplanted from Massachusets with Beanie and Wayne Brooks and their horses in 2000. Uncle Del loves it here. "Coming to Florida has added 20 extra years of good living for me" he says.


Tommy Andrews (left) has accepted the honor of being the Grand Marshal of the 2009 Blueberry Festival Parade on the first Saturday in June. He and his daddy, T.L. Andrews Sr., built many of the cement block houses in downtown Wellborn. Tommy is retired from local building work. His momma , Mary Andrews donated the land, Andrews Square , where the Blueberry Festival happens each year and also where the Wellborn Community Association clubhouse fronts on the historic old brick road that paralells the railroad track, West of CR 137.
The gentleman on the right is Wendell Snowden, president of the WCA, under whose leadership good things are happening involving many many willing workers and contributors.


Meet Chuck and Olivia Shoemaker who transplanted themselves and their horses from the Adirondack mountains, NY to our hometown a year an a half ago and are glad they did.


Arleen Cheetham and Dianne Bragg come from lake City to join the Wellborn Community Association team.
Kathie and Wendell Snowden, Beanie Brooks, Jack Allred, and Arleen and Diane played host and hostess, ticket handler, server, cook and cleanup as needed on May 2.


Carmen Hernandez said "Oh Jinny, please take my picture in the middle of God's flowers in that field." Similar extravaganza displays can be seen off Cr 137 by 252 . Two downtown homes are glorified : Geigers and the Pasco Jarvis home.
It is a spectacular time of year in My Hometown.

Sunday, May 03, 2009


First weekend in May, the Suwannee River Bicycling/Canoeing Event brings visitors . Wildflowers along country roads lure them to "come & see". We are glad to share our treasured life here. Wellborn is on the bicycling route these particular healthy outdoor enthusiasts chose. They were provided maps at the starting place in White Springs. Seen at the Wellborn WHISTLE STOP CAFE at the blinker light in downtown Wellborn they made a colorful photo op. They are Cathy and Ernie Delrosso, Randy McCormick, Hanna Carrell, Ken and Judy Parker, Barbara Cabrera, Tootie Richey, Terry Ready and Marty Tod. They gave autographs for the publicity stunt :-) Everyone smiled with me when I described them as the excitement in my hometown this week, then distributed Wellborn My Hometown blog cards. Now their extra claim to fame is they were on the WellbornWhisper blog.

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