Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Community Service was the focus for Martin Luther King Holiday this year.
These volunteers are readying themselves to participate in the AARP TAX AIDE service.
They are a Good Group whom I interrupted on their lunch hour for this photo . Linda Young supplied their names.
John Hampton,Vinny Malhotra,Natasha Frenkel,Joy Thorndike(hidden),Pauline Smith,Sharon DeBruin,Cil St.Denis,Agnes Hjelsand,Rebecca Bachman,Barbara Rodon,Marilee Bonyata, Shelah Keen,Richard Manning and Cindy Burnett(seated)
Rebecca and Barbara are part of the State Training Team and Eileen Koutny, the Techie, Linda was across the street in the WUMC annex building finishing up with the other counselors.
Most of us think of March as Tax month. Linda Young, local coordinator, started months ago to recruit helpers for AARP TAX AIDE work.
Tax payers should bring last years form and any other relevant documentation.
AARP TAX AIDE is geared to seniors, but not limited age wise. Taxes to be paid need to be relatively uncomplicated. All are welcome. Recommendation to a professional tax preparing place is made if warranted. The big group photograph is incomplete, partly because two workshops were going simultaneously. The volunteer tax form helpers all have IRS laptop computers for the 2009 season. E-filing will be common practice.
For the smaller picture, the photographer stood behind instructor Rebecca Bachman whose volunteer job involves traveling about the state, teaching, encouraging, and coordinating all activities according to IRS standards..
Hours at the different sites are published in the Suwannee Democrat: It all starts February second week & runs to April 14
Community Presbyterian Church, Live Oak, Tuesdays 10 AM to 1PM
Library on US129 Live Oak. Saturdays 9AM to 1PM
Branford Library, Live Oak, Wednesdays 10 AM-4PM
Southside Recreation Center, Lake City, Thursdays 10AM-1PM
FYI Linda: 364-8396.
Suwannee Regionl Library Saturdays 9AM t0 iPM PM