Monday, March 17, 2008

March 17, 2008

Penney's Salon (in fact the whole store) went dark when Lake City was in the path of a tornado on March 7th. Malinda Hvojnik, Senior Designer at Penneys Styling Salon, was involved with me and my curls for my vacation hairdo.
Jack and I bought American Cruise Line tickets entitling us to board a 50 passenger ship March 8th @ St Augustine for a week long trip (March 8-15) called "Great Rivers of Florida". I had allowed no extra day to reschedule my perm. My curls were the last thing on my To Do List.

Looking back today I just figure my adventuring started a day early with a tornado hairdo.:-)

Malinda believed she could see in the dark and volunteered to continue to roll my hair around the curlers so we carried on bravely.
Cell phones earned their price that day, especially for the younger beauticians with children at school or in day care. Incoming calls brought news that nearby Publix roof was "blown off". Panic was a possibility but Malinda and others kept their cool.
When it became clear that returned power was not imminent most of the Penney beauticians cancelled their customers appointments for the day notifying them on the Salon phone.
Perm chemicals, enough to curl my hair, don't need electricity and thanks be, the water for rinsing was operational. We couldn't dry or style that day so Malinda sent me home wet and CURLY . She promised me a freebee styling now that I'm home and trying to pick up where we left off.
It was a swell trip with Ports Of Call along the inland waterway and on the St Johns River. We visited the marvelous Cummer Art Museum in Jacksonville with fellow traveler and new friend, Douglas McIlvain, a sculptor/artist sharing his expertise and adding to our pleasure there. In Paltaka we enjoyed the murals depicting the historical, cultural and natural riches of Putnam county so imagine our joy when we read in the L.C. Reporter of similar artistry right here in nearby Lake City with Ichetucknee Springs depicted on the Kuykendall building. From Sanford port we went by bus for a day's adventure at Blue Spring State Park and the magnificent manatees were happily there. Most of our shipmates were less familiar with those elephants of the springs and we ourselves loved seeing them again.

We sought out a Methodist Church in Fernadino Beach. It was big, beautiful, welcoming, and full of good people and lots of action and programs.

Even so The Best Part of the whole trip was coming home to My Hometown and my home church.

Wellborn Methodist sanctuary has a newness that Pastor Jim is calling "GOD's MASTERPIECE".
A purple stole hung in the sun on our outside cross is now promoted to a place of honor inside our sanctuary. Purple, a Lenten color, represents Christ's royalty and our own need for repentance. Florida sunshine faded the hanging so this year we bought a new one for outside . The pattern of the fade on the used stole sparked Pastor Jim Messer's imagination.

That is the same invitation that Andrew gave his brother Peter the first time he met Jesus.

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